Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ini ndakuda ku'rilaksa'

ini ndakuda ku'rilaksa' = I want to relax in the Shona language....

Ok so this is me, holding a rare relaxed gaze..... for those who know me...they will gladly testify that this is indeed rare.....
"Relaxing".... this is a feeling i personally would do almost anything to have more and more and more of.... Mastering relaxation is an art, naturally innate for some and challenging for others (alas me being among the 'others'. )
Did you know that "Each problem has an opportunity hidden in it so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognised a problem and turned it into an opportunity" - Joseph Sugarman

Historically man has devised, and often stumbled upon, various techniques of relaxation, among them the common ones we hear are exercise, joke sharing, adoption of hobbies and joyful activity (subjective for each person of-course) and other stress relieving activity..... however I find that Prayer and meditation is probably the most effective means for achieving long-lasting relaxation of the mind, and refreshment of the soul...thus realising a relaxed and more joyful state of the body.

The Arts (performing arts, poetry, mime, dance, song and story telling) are another useful means through which to attain levels of relaxation and joy and inner peace, and uplift the human soul in many ways. Mystical works have been known to inspire artists to design and implement showcases for purposes of relaxation. In 2004 (http://news.bahai.org/story.cfm?storyid=321), the play "The Seven Valleys" synchronises seven songs, each symbolizing a different spiritual stage described by Baha'u'llah (The Founder of the Baha'i Faith) -- the valleys of search, love, knowledge, unity, contentment, wonderment, and true poverty and absolute nothingness, into a road to relaxation.

There are a myriad sites that explore this awesome feeling, I was actually pleasantly surprised with ......http://www.relaxation.com/, http://www.unwind.com/jokes-funnies/ , http://www.mystic18.com/msp.html and many others that offer relaxation methodologies which could do lead to enhanced human performance...but always read with skeptiscism

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:16 PM

    wakanaka shamwari, kondeipi? great blog babe, take it easy
